What is the determination deadline in planning?

What is the determination deadline in planning?

The statutory determination period for validated planning applications, which local planning authorities should not exceed, is 8 weeks for straight-forward planning applications, 13 weeks for unusually large or complex applications, and 16 weeks if the application is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

What is an Article 4 Direction planning?

What is an Article 4 Direction? An Article 4 Direction limits the works that can be carried out without needing planning permission from the Council. For example, householders can normally make minor alterations to their houses without requiring planning permission. This is called “permitted development”.

Can you extend the time on a planning permission?

An applicant or agent who submitted the original planning application can apply to extend the period of implementation. You will have to submit your application on the Application for a new planning permission to replace an extant planning permission form in order to extend the time limit for implementation.

What is a statutory consultee in planning?

Statutory consultees are those organisations and bodies, defined by statute, which local planning authorities are legally required to consult before reaching a decision on relevant planning applications.

What to do if a planning decision is late?

If no decision has been made within this time period (except where the applicant has agreed a longer period in writing), the applicant can appeal to the Secretary of State on the ground of non-determination. The procedures for this are similar to those which apply when an application has been refused.

Does planning permission expire once work has started?

In this instance, to lawfully commence the construction of your project, you must re-apply for planning permission. How long is planning permission valid for once work has started? Once planning permission has been deemed to be implemented, there is no longer an expiry date to the permission.

What is an Article 5 direction?

Article 5 – Directions restricting certain minerals permitted development.

How long is public consultation period for planning permission?

Each valid planning application we receive is subject to a fixed 21 day consultation period so that the views of local people, businesses and other interested bodies can be sought on the proposal.

What are non-statutory consultees?

Non-statutory consultees: are organisations and bodies, identified in national planning policy, circulars, guidance and technical advice notes, who should be consulted on relevant planning applications.

How long does it take to get listed building consent?

How long does listed building consent take. Local authorities aim to make a decision on planning and listed building consent all applications within eight weeks which includes a statutory 21 day consultation period so that neighbours and other interested parties can comment on the proposal.

Do you need planning permission for a listed building?

You should therefore always talk to the local planning authority before any work is carried out to a listed building. An owner will have trouble selling a property which has not been granted Listed Building Consent for work carried out.

What is listed building consent?

Listed Building Consent. The curtilage of a building has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, but is essentially the area of land that is ancillary to the main building. Relevant factors in determining that area will be: the physical layout; past and present ownership; and, current and previous uses of the land and buildings.

Can I start work on a listed building without consent?

No work on a building of any listing Grade should begin until consent has been granted, and any pre-commencement conditions attached to the consent have been complied with. If you want to discuss your listed building alteration plans with our team of specialists, or need more information on listed building consent, get in touch with us.