What does the number 9 mean in supreme mathematics?

What does the number 9 mean in supreme mathematics?

5 – Power/Refinement. 6 – Equality. 7 – God. 8 – Build/Destroy. 9 – Born.

How do you use the Supreme alphabet?

The Supreme Alphabet is a system of interpreting text and finding deeper meaning from the NOI Lessons by assigning actual meanings to the letters of the Latin script. For example, the first letter, A, stands for Allah; the 12th letter, L, stands for Love, Hell, or Right; and the 13th letter, M, stands for Master.

What is Supreme Mathematics used for?

The Supreme mathematics is a system of understanding numerals alongside concepts and qualitative representations that are used along with the Supreme Alphabet. The Supreme Mathematics is thought to be the highest system of numerology in the NGE, used to give qualitative value to numbers in addition to quantity.

Where did Supreme Mathematics come from?

The Supreme Mathematics, in the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths , is a system of numerology used along with the Supreme Alphabet in an attempt to understand the universe . Five Percent Nation founder Allah (the former Clarence 13X ) invented the system after splitting with the Nation of Islam.

What is the meaning of 5 percent?

five-per·​cent·​er | \\ ˌfīvpə(r)ˈsentə(r)\\. plural -s. : one that for a fee of five percent helps businessmen obtain government contracts or do other business with the government.

What does Five-Percent Nation stand for?

Five-Percent Nation. The Five-Percent Nation, sometimes referred to as NGE or NOGE, the Nation of Gods and Earths, or the Five Percenters, is a movement founded in 1964 in the Harlem section of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, by a former member of the Nation of Islam (NOI), Clarence 13X, who was named Clarence Edward Smith…

Who is the father of the five percent?

Between 1963–1964 Clarence 13X left the Nation of Islam, renamed himself Allah, and founded what is known as the Five-Percent Nation or Nation of Gods and Earths. Five Percenters called him “The Father” because “many of them were the products of broken homes and this was the only father they knew.”.

What is the significance of the Black Five Percenters?

The Black women who came into Father Allah’s growing movement to study along with the males were taught they were symbolic of the planet Earth because women produce and sustain human existence as does the Earth. Female Five Percenters are also referred to as “Wisdom.”